The new BFA in Arts & Entertainment Technology (AET) program in the Department of Theatre is paving the way for a new crop of professionals with widely varied skills to take on not-yet-imagined projects in the entertainment sphere.

A team of students in the Bachelor of Science for Sustainable Design program is closing the loop on food waste by developing a process to cultivate mushroom growth in used coffee grounds.

What does a dance dramaturg do? We spoke with dramaturg and professor Betsy Brandt to learn more about how dramaturgy helps a choreographer realize their vision and the audience understand the story.

Led by Art & Design faculty, a cohort of graduate fellows collaborated to reimagine graduate research and education.

The Chicago Sukkah Design Festival has become a vibrant celebration of art, architecture, and cultural exchange, rooted in the Jewish tradition of building sukkahs during the holiday of Sukkot.

Brooke White started as the new director of the School of Art and Design in August 2024.

Krannert Art Museum (KAM) played a pivotal role in the 2024 U.S. presidential election season as part of a coalition of 10 public university art museums.

FAA supports a series of research initiatives at the college level to help create more equity in arts education and in professional fields for creative workers in Illinois and nationally.

The College Excellence Awards recognize faculty and staff who have demonstrated excellence and have made a positive impact on our college, students, units, and community. The recipients are selected by the FAA Executive Committee.

The faculty at FAA are dedicated to the advancement, practice, and understanding of the arts. Their central focus is the synergy among research, public engagement, and the preparation of students for lives in the environmental, visual, and performing arts. We’ve compiled some of their recent awards and accomplishments in research.